Palworld wiki
Palworld wiki

palworld wiki

Unlike in Pokemon, this game lets you interact directly with your pals. Palworld lets you interact with your pet pals in more ways than Pokemon would allow you to. If that sounds like a very dark, twisted version of Pokemon, then you’d be surprised at how dark this game goes further. Some of the footage in the trailers also show how your character could apparently raid factories (that apparently produce weapons?) and shoot at the factories’ workers, who defend themselves with semi-automatic rifles. It’s an over-the-shoulder shooter game with a lot of mysterious monsters, but also bad guys with guns.

palworld wiki

Palworld has received notoriety for being the “open-world Pokemon game with guns.” Just based on the game’s official trailers, that’s pretty much the kind of impression you’ll get from the game. But is the game itself going to be just fine? So, at least they have the groundwork for open-world multiplayer survival crafting games already covered. Palworld is being developed by Pocket Pair, a video game studio that previously developed another open-world multiplayer survival crafting game but with fewer pocket monsters features – Craftopia. In this game, players befriend and collect mysterious Pokemon-like creatures called “Pals,” fighting, building, farming, and working in factories alongside them. Palworld is an upcoming open-world multiplayer survival crafting game set to come out this 2022. What is Palworld? Palworld is an upcoming open-world action adventure game that has Pokemon-like monster collection mechanics, but with guns.

Palworld wiki